On Thurday, about 600 people in the village from Sanamchaikhet and Phanom Sarakham districts in Chachoengsao provience block the highway 331 in declare against the construction of a coal- fuel electricity generation plant in the No 304 industrial. They want the National Power Supply Company to move the project to somewhere because the province industrial estate was surround by large local agricultural community and they think that the power plant would demote the environment and the people that stay in that place will get a health problems and effect their way of living . The environmental impact asessment report of the 54o megawatt power plant was affirm in last year and the the project operator to build in the No 304 industrial estate.
In my point of view, the owner of this company should move this company to somewhere that do not have many people because this thing can affect the people the stay in province and if they build in this provinced the people that stay in this province will get sick and have a lot people die. They should build in the province that do not have many people so the people will not get sick.